Conroy, whose acting career began in the late 70s, first voiced Batman in Fox Kids’ Batman: The Animated series, which would go on to run for 85 episodes between 1992 and 1995. His portrayal has remained a fan favourite ever since, with Conroy later voicing the role across a multitude of mediums, including 15 films. In video games, he made his mark on the likes of developer Rocksteady’s acclaimed Arkham trilogy, NetherRealm’s superhero fighter Injustice, and, more recently, MultiVersus. Warner Bros. confirmed reports of Conroy’s death in a statement shared earlier today, writing, “His iconic performance of Batman will forever stand among the greatest portrayals of the Dark Knight in any medium. We send our warmest thoughts to his loved ones and join fans around the world in honouring his legacy.” Friends and colleagues have paid tribute to Conroy following the news. Mark Hamill, who regularly played opposite Conroy as Batman’s nemesis the Joker, wrote, “Kevin was perfection. He was one of my favourite people on the planet, and I loved him like a brother. He truly cared for the people around him – his decency shone through everything he did. Every time I saw him or spoke with him, my spirits were elevated.” NetherRealm’s Ed Boon, who worked with Conroy on the Injustice series, wrote, “He was THE voice of Batman for generations… So iconic. What a loss.” Rocksteady co-founder Jamie Walker also paid tribute to Conroy in a short message shared on Twitter, writing, “You were not only our Batman, but one of the kindest and most passionate people. We will miss you.” Conroy is survived by his husband Vaughn C. Williams, sister Trisha Conroy, and brother Tom Conroy.