Phonopolis, which makes use of actual corrugated cardboard sets and a 12fps stop-motion animation style inspired by classic animated films, casts players as Felix, a thoughtful young man who must try and stop the titular city’s authoritarian leader from playing the Absolute tone - an occurrence that would effectively cause Felix and his fellow citizens to lose their humanity. What follows is a story-driven puzzle adventure encompassing “relatable, real-world themes”, including manipulation and individualism. That doesn’t mean it’ll be heavy going, though; Amanita says Phonopolis will explore its subject matter in a “playful and light-hearted” way. Beyond the fact it’ll feature a soundtrack by Samorost 3 and Machinarium composer Tomáš Dvořák, there’s unfortunately not much else to report about Phonopolis just yet. There’s no hint of a release date, and although it’s been confirmed as a “multiplatform” title, only a Steam release has been announced so far. Hopefully we’ll hear more soon!