The newly released digital soundtrack runs a total of 67 tracks, variously composed by Tsukasa Saitoh, Shoi Miyazawa, Yuka Kitamura, Yoshimi Kudo, and Tai Tomisawa - many of whom are long-time From Software collaborators, having worked on the likes of the Dark Souls series, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and Bloodborne. The musical highlights are, of course, many, but personal favourites include Elden Ring’s unexpectedly triumphant opening theme, the discordant beauty of Renella’s theme, the ethereal swell of Limgrave’s theme (which I’ve accidentally fallen asleep to, controller in hand, more than I’d care to admit), and Mohg, Lord of Blood’s theme - which is basically a part of me now, I had to listen to it so many times trying to defeat the prong-waving bugger. Oh, and how could I forget the utterly breathtaking Regal Ancestor Spirit’s theme? Or Malenia’s theme? Or the absolutely bonkers Godskin Apostles theme? Okay, fine, it’s all amazing. To accompany the soundtrack’s arrival on music services, Bandai Namco has released a video showcasing some behind-the-scenes footage of the Budapest Film Orchestra’s Elden Ring recording sessions, which you can see above. It’s as mesmerising as these things always are, so if you’re listening Bandai Namco, can we have more than three minutes of it, please?