Fallout 3 likely needs no introduction, given its lofty place in the gaming pantheon. Released back in 2008, it was Bethesda’s first foray into the Fallout universe (1 and 2 were the work of Black Isle Studios), expanding on the open-world RPG freedom of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion to deliver a sprawling, dizzyingly rich post-apocalyptic jaunt through The Capital Wasteland. An “embarrassment of riches” is what Eurogamer called Fallout 3 in 2008, describing it as a “thrilling, all-consuming experience that will absorb you for weeks… as you fall in love with the relentless excitement, incredible atmosphere, sense of place and sheer choice.” The Game of the Year Edition being given away on Epic includes the base game and all its DLC. As for Evoland, it might be a little overshadowed by its bedfellow, but it’s an intriguing offering nonetheless. Developed by Shiro Games - who’ve since gone on to create the excellent likes of Northgard and Dune: Spice Wars - it’s a nostalgic love-letter to classic action-RPGs, taking players on a journey through the history of the genre. As the story unfolds, Evoland’s presentation evolves, from monochrome, Game-Boy-like pixels into a world of colour and gradually into full 3D. Evoland Legendary Edition, the version being given away on Epic next week, contains both the original game and its sequel - which introduced a time-travelling twist and fleshed out the experience into a more fully formed RPG. Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition and Evoland Legendary Edition will be free to add to your Epic Games Store library between 20th and 27th October. Until then, ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove and impressive top-down horror Darkwood are free to download and keep.