Grimoire of Souls was initially announced back in 2018, promising a portable slice of gothic action-platforming focussed on the adventures of Genya Arikado - a “persona of Alucard - as he attempted to stop the impending resurrection of Dracula. That quest took him to worlds inside magical grimoires for familiar bouts of side-scrolling action, playable both solo and co-operatively, and across a variety of different modes - with the game featuring a number of other playable characters, including Simon Belmont, Maria Renard, Charlotte Aulin, and, Glyph Master Shanoa. Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls eventually released as a free-to-play title for iOS and Android in 2019 but never made it outside Canada - a year after launch, Konami announced it was pulling the plug on the title due to insufficient player interest. Much like Dracula though, Grimoire of Souls doesn’t appear to want to stay dead, and it’s now resurfaced as an upcoming Apple Arcade release that’s set to launch “soon”. The game’s recently launched App Store listing promises “60 levels, a wide variety of equipment, daily and weekly missions, and more” with new playable hero also apparently on the way. It’ll be compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV, and offers a choice between touch input and controller support. And, of course, being an Apple Arcade release, all the original’s pesky micro-transactions will have been stripped out come its arrival “soon”.