Atun’s Folly, as the update is known, aims to enrich The Falconeer’s entertaining core - which plops players atop giant falcons to explore and dogfight their way across a visually sumptuous map - by introducing expanded piracy options into the world. Players can visit the titular Atun’s Folly - a pirate settlement situated on the back of a turtle - to embark on missions that specifically boost their pirate infamy: taking down trading vessels, stealing loot, and attacking Imperial and Mancer forts. However, players that turn their hand to piracy will need to be wary of the Legendary Aces - elite fighters who take to the air on the likes of the Phoenix, mighty prehistoric Pteron, and the menacing Ormir drake. Pirates will be able to battle the Legendary Aces as part of a new mini story side quest, and there’s also a new story mission for non-pirates, starting out at Castellus and involving an assault on Atun’s Folly itself. Those looking to live out their bird-based pirate fantasies can download Atun’s Folly on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S right now, and Sala - who recently chatted to Eurogamer about his work on The Falconeer - has also teased another content expansion for later this year. Known as The Edge of the World, it will introduce side quests and stories that further flesh out The Falconeer, taking players beyond the existing map to places on the periphery of civilisation.