Posted to reddit by user ZeoNyph, the video replaces the models of Arcane’s heroes with Mass Effect’s main characters. So, in place of Arcane’s sister stars Vi and Jynx, we have FemShep and Liara - a little generous to the latter perhaps, though both Liara and Jynx are associated with the colour blue. Next up, there’s brief shots of boring Kaiden Alenko swapped into the place of Jayce, fan-favourite engineer fangirl Tali in the place of Viktor, and then space bro Garrus - who as a cop gets the spot of Caitlyn. The adorable Heimerdinger is space racist Ashley, which seems very unfair, while Liara (again) is Mel, and father figure Anderson is of course Vander. Big baddie Saren is of course Silco. Yes, things are currently quiet in Mass Effect land, but then the space opera franchise’s next installment is still some years away. For clues on its story, we analysed BioWare’s teasing poster image released last year to discover a few big clues to the next Mass Effect’s story.