As you might have already twigged, Mini Motorways is the follow-up to Dinosaur Polo Club’s celebrated underground railway builder Mini Metro, and delivers an equally minimalist, equally excellent, spin on its predecessor’s tactile strategy action. In Mini Motorways, each level takes loose inspiration from a real-world city, and the goal is to construct as efficient a road network as possible, placing down the likes of traffic lights, bridges, and roads to ensure commuters are able to reach their destination within the allotted time. New building items are awarded each in-game week, enabling your urban expansion to continue unfettered - until you make a mistake and your best laid plans end in chaos. “It’s fascinating that a game that feels so similar to Mini Metro should feel so different to play,” wrote Christian Donlan of Mini Motorways when it launched for Apple Arcade in 2019. “To play them separately in extended sessions is to see how simple ideas like connecting people and places are not that simple at all. You can approach them in different ways - and in doing so you will reap different pleasures.” And he even liked it enough to slap it with a Eurogamer Essential badge when it made the leap to PC in 2021. “I love this game because it doesn’t say much for itself, but it encourages you to constantly think about what you’ve created, Donlan wrote at the time. The Switch version of Mini Motorways will include the challenge mode added at the end of last year, introducing bespoke objectives for each city - taking the form of two or three specific conditions you’ll need to grapple with on a play-through. And if all that appeals, you’ll be able to purchase Mini Motorways on Switch today, just as soon as it makes its presence known on Nintendo’s eShop.