At the time of writing, there are currently 154,297 players battling it out with Captain Price and co (via SteamDB). Meanwhile, the game’s current all-time player peak is sitting at a lofty 238,522 after just a few hours. It’s currently the fifth most played game on Steam, behind the perennial Counter-Strike, Dota 2, PUBG: Battlegrounds, and Apex Legends. To put that in perspective, the next most successful Call of Duty title in terms of player numbers on Steam (outside of Modern Warfare 2’s beta from earlier in the year) is Black Ops’ Multiplayer, which had a peak concurrent player count of 118,593. That is not to say this release has been without its niggles. Xbox and PC players have reported that their ability to disable crossplay in Modern Warfare 2 has disappeared. And, while Xbox players can get around this by disabling crossplay at the system level, those playing via a PC currently have no other options to change this.

Modern Warfare 2 best Call of Duty Steam launch to date - 5Modern Warfare 2 best Call of Duty Steam launch to date - 11