34 Ruby and Sapphire Pokémon coming soon to a shirt near you include starter creatures Treecko, Torchic and Mudkip, as well as other favourites such as Slakoth, Plusle, Minun and Absol. As ever, all of these fabrics can be mixed and matched to create your perfect Pokémon shirt. I’m a particular fan of Spinda on his desert island: Further creatures from the Hoenn region will follow over the course of 2021, with Groudon, Flygon, Metagross and other Ground-type Pokémon at the end of April, before Kyogre leads water-themed additions in July, and Rayquaza adds sky-themed patterns in September. The range has been available for a while but only became possible to order here in the UK more recently. You can also get Pokémon Shirt material turned into a face mask. Pokémon celebrates its 25th anniversary this weekend, and is hosting a big livestream later today announcing plans for the year.

Pok mon Shirts adds Ruby and Sapphire collection - 34Pok mon Shirts adds Ruby and Sapphire collection - 47Pok mon Shirts adds Ruby and Sapphire collection - 60Pok mon Shirts adds Ruby and Sapphire collection - 79