Earlier this year, Google announced the closure of its beleaguered cloud gaming service, stating it aims to have all refunds completed by 18th January 2023 - the date Stadia servers are switched off for good. Now, the Stadia Twitter account has confirmed that those who made their hardware purchases via its Google Store should start seeing their refunds coming in. It requests that anyone expecting a refund to keep an eye on their emails for more details. Since the news of this closure, affected developers have been seeking out ways to ensure their games can still be enjoyed by their respective Stadia playerbase. Back in October, the team at Tequila Works confirmed its Stadia-exclusive Gylt would go multiplatform next year. In addition to this, Hitman developer IO Interactive announced it was currently “looking into ways” for its Google Stadia fans to “continue [their] Hitman experience on other platforms”. This sentiment was echoed by Destiny 2 developer Bungie, which said it had also “begun conversations about next steps” for its Google Stadia players. As for that Google Stadia shutdown timeline, as recently as July the company insisted this closure was not going to happen at all. However, just months later, the cloud gaming service announced it would close on 18th January 2023 - a move even developers still hard at work on Google Stadia projects did not see coming.