Hindsight is the work of former Call of Duty designer Joel McDonald - who created acclaimed iOS botanical puzzler Prune - and tells the story of a woman revisiting her childhood home. As she sorts though her personal belongings, old memories are unlocked that players can experience first-hand. “What if the physical objects of everyday life, the possessions we hold close, were actual windows to the past?”, MacDonald ponders. “Hindsight asks you to slow down and pay attention to the little things left behind,” explains the game’s Steam page. “Piece these things together and shift your viewpoint until you find just the right perspective to pull you deeper into the past… Linger as long as you wish, but sooner or later you must come back to the present.” Hindsight, which was initially unveiled during Nintendo’s Indie World showcase event yesterday evening, doesn’t have an exact release date yet, but Annapurna says it’ll be making its way to Switch, the App Store, and PC some time in 2021.