In a joint press release, the companies wrote: “[We are] pleased to reveal that Valheim has surpassed ten million copies sold just over one year since its Steam Early Access release.” In addition to this, the companies also revealed that Valheim had an all-time player peak of 502,000 – not too mead-iocre at all. In fact, the player numbers were so good, that in just over two weeks, Valheim sold an astounding 3m units. “We never imagined Valheim would become so big, not even in our wildest dreams, and the past year flew by faster than we anticipated,” added Richard Svensson, CEO of Iron Gate Studio. “Our team has doubled since launch and knowing Valheim is enjoyed by millions of players around the world honours and humbles us at the same time.” The CEO then went on to share more about Valheim’s future. “Our ambitions for the game have never been stronger and the development of Mistlands is well underway - we can’t wait to bring this new mysterious biome to the game.” While no specifics are detailed, the companies have promised players new weapons to craft along with this new biome. And, of course, even more enemies to do battle with. “Seeing Valheim’s journey through its first year of Early Access and being by Iron Gate’s side has been an immense privilege,” stated Albert Säfström, VP of Publishing at Coffee Stain. “The team is pouring all their development knowledge and love for the craft into the game, and it’s humbling to see the fruit of their work bring joy to millions around the world.” Those yet to dive into the world of the Vikings can give Valheim a whirl through Steam Early Access for PC and Linux.